As the level of inburgering exams has been raised to B1, a well-known online platform called has recently released new courses to aid candidates in their preparation for these exams. These courses offer comprehensive exam readiness without the need for textbooks or fixed class schedules, allowing candidates to study at their own convenience, anytime and anywhere.
A New Approach to Self-Study was developed by Bart Nawijn, a Dutch teacher, with the goal of providing a more enjoyable and effective way to prepare for these exams. Bart comments, "I understand that exam preparation can be time-consuming and not particularly enjoyable. That's why I've designed guided self-study courses to make the entire integration exam process more convenient." He adds, "I'm thrilled to see that many people have found these courses to be helpful."
Since its launch in October 2020, over 7,000 individuals have already immersed themselves in these courses. Bart shares, "It's been incredibly exciting to receive feedback from numerous exam candidates expressing how beneficial these courses have been for them." Even complete beginners have successfully passed all of their exams after just a few months of studying the courses.
How Do the Courses Function?
The platform offers courses for all exam components, including reading, listening, writing, speaking, and KNM (Knowledge of Dutch Society). The language courses follow a consistent logical structure. Initially, you'll receive an introduction that provides a quick overview of how the course works and general information about the exam format. This prepares you for what to expect. Subsequently, you'll go through vocabulary and grammar sections to ensure you have the necessary knowledge and skills to tackle exam exercises. The exam exercises include explanations for correct answers and exemplary responses.
Once you've completed the exam exercises, you'll progress to the final stage of the course: practice exams. These allow you to assess your readiness for the official exam.
Personalized Learning Support
In each course, Bart offers guidance through instructional videos in which he shares valuable information about the exams and imparts helpful exam strategies. Bart explains, "In the courses, you'll acquire the language skills and knowledge required for a B1 level. However, even individuals with a solid grasp of Dutch can sometimes be overwhelmed by the exams due to their unfamiliar format. To address this, I strive to make candidates more comfortable with the exams through explanatory videos, covering topics such as the different question types they can expect and how their answers will be evaluated."
Aside from the lesson videos, students also have the opportunity to receive personalized learning support via email from Bart and the team, who respond promptly and provide detailed assistance. Bart mentions, "When I respond to students' emails seeking help with their studies, I ensure that I provide clear explanations for their queries." He adds, "I genuinely enjoy this aspect, and it's always gratifying to receive emails from students expressing their appreciation and stating, 'Thanks, it's all clear now.'"
Transitioning from A2 to B1
The Dutch government has made the decision to raise the integration exams from A2 to B1 level for most newcomers. This enables them to better integrate into Dutch society and the job market. To determine the appropriate level for your situation, it is recommended to contact IND or DUO.
The B1 exam is not a new examination per se. It is more commonly known as the Staatsexamen 1. Candidates typically take this exam to enhance their job prospects, for educational purposes, or simply for personal growth. Bart explains, "With a B1 level of Dutch, you can truly express yourself and engage in conversations with others. Though the difference between A2 and B1 may seem minor, it's actually quite significant. Having a B1 level allows you to have independent interactions in your daily life, making living here much more interesting and enjoyable."
Enroll Today
Are you interested in the new B1 courses offered by Don't hesitate, register now! For more information, you can contact them via email at [email protected].
في غضون 45 يومًا، اجتزت بنجاح جميع الاختبارات.
ربما هذا هو أفضل مسار. يسعدني أن أبلغكم بأنني نجحت في جميع الاختبارات في غضون 45 يوما. أفضل جزء هو عندما تمت إضافة دورة KNM. لقد ساعد ذلك بشكل كبير في تقليل وقت التحضير من عدة أشهر إلى بضعة أيام. أوصي بشدة بهذه الدورة.
إنه أفضل من إنفاق الكثير من المال على الفصول الدراسية.
الدورة جيدة جدا و سهلة الإستخدام للدراسة بمفردك. في الواقع، هذا أفضل من إنفاق الكثير من الأموال على الفصول الدراسية. لقد نجحت في الاختبار ولم أكن لأتمكن من ذلك بدون الدورة. شكرا يا رفاق.
ينصح به بشده!
دورة رائعة. يتم تقديم المحتوى بطريقة تحفزك على الاستمرار. يهدف المحتوى و التمارين بشكل رائع إلى تمكينك من النجاح في اختبار الاندماج. إذا كانت لديك أسئلة، فأنت ترسل بريدا إلكترونيا و تحصل على إجابة سريعة جدا. ينصح به بشده!